The mystery of the Haitian zombie
"The worst thing - it's the eyes. This is not a game of my imagination. They were the eyes of the dead. But not blind, and burning, blurred, unseeing. Therefore, a person was terrible. So empty, as though for him there is nothing.
By this time I had seen in Haiti are so many things that lie beyond ordinary human understanding that for a moment completely shut down and thought, or rather felt, "Great God, what if all this horror - the truth ..."
William Seabrook, describes in his book "The Mysterious Island," his meeting with the creation of the most sinister of all the mysterious creatures generated by the supernatural world - Haitian zombies.
The walking dead
Collage Al. Zakharov, aferizm.ruThe fate of zombies worse than vampires or werewolves. Vampires are all the same be returned to those whom they love. Werewolf can be hurt, and it will take human form. But zombies - this machine without reason, doomed to live in a dream. He is able to move, eat, listen, even to speak, but can not remember his past and does not realize this. Without a glimmer of recognition zombies can look into the eyes of those he loved, or to pass by his home. Not a ghost, but not a living being, he, in fact, a walking corpse, placed, perhaps forever, in the border zone between life and death.
With the magic of their bodies give the appearance of life and deprive the soul and mind, in fact, doomed to death. They - a product of Bokor, Haitian sorcerers who profess the religion of voodoo, a unique blend of African beliefs, Roman Catholics and some American Indian tribes.
Birthplace of the phenomenon - Haiti. At the island there are many eyewitness who knew people who died were buried, and some time later reappeared, becoming a zombie. Warlocks-Bokor usually pass their rent, often to work the fields, at least keep to yourself as slaves.
One of the most famous cases, described by American writer Zora Hurston in 1938, still remembered in Haiti. In 1909, there died a charming young girl named Maria.Five years after her death, former high school friends suddenly saw Mary evushku amplitudes in the window of a house the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince. His owner refused to give it any explanation. Father of dead girl he took up the investigation.But it was too late in that house there was not Mary, nor of its owner.
Crawled through the city sinister rumors. To stop them and to reassure residents that the authorities had exhumed the corpse of the deceased. In the tomb discovered skeleton, too big for a girl her age. He was obryazhen in clothes in which they buried Maria, and they clearly do not correspond to the length of the skeleton.Why is that? And where a man suddenly disappeared, the former owner of the house, the window of which have seen long ago buried the girl? The answers to these questions could not be obtained.
Relatives and friends of people turned into zombies, often do not know what happened. And if they even know about the tricks Bokor, they are too intimidated to try to do something. In addition, if a person has been turned into a zombie, nobody can help.
Zora Hurston same lead story told by her mother, a dead boy. The night after the burial the family was awakened by a loud cry coming from the bedroom. It turned out that my sister died in the street heard the singing and noise, and then heard the voice of his brother. Looking out the window, saw the grim procession home, wandering slowly down the street. At the end of it was buried on the eve of the boy.When he had difficulty moving the feet, caught up with the house, all unmistakably recognized him and heard him weeping. "But the horror inspired by the zombie was so great that even his mother did not dare to go out and try to save his son - wrote Zora Hurston. - Soon after the procession was out of sight. After the nightmare sister boy crazy. "
Dinner with the corpses
No less terrible case leads, in his book, and William Seabrook. A young girl named Camilla was married to a certain Matthew Tusselya. The first wedding anniversary, he called his wife after midnight to celebrate the event. And my husband insisted that she wore her wedding dress. In solemnly retracted and a candlelit room, but the young couple had four silent guests.
Matthew apologized for the guests, promising his wife that after the feast the men cheer and dance with her. Her husband's voice seemed unnaturally stressful Camilla. She looked at the men at the table and watched as her fingers still one of the guests uncomfortable squeeze the glass, from which pours the wine.
A young woman standing at the side seized the candlestick and put it in the center.Only then will the light of candles erupted, she found herself sitting at the table with the corpses.
In a panic, rushed upstairs and Camilla was locked in his room. The morning came a servant, but a young woman stubbornly refused to leave. Later she never recovered from the experience a nightmare, and her husband the next day went to Haiti.
Legitimate question arises: how reliable these stories? Especially, given that in all cases, the appearance of zombies is innuendo, though missing some important facts. But Catholic and Protestant clergy to lead Haiti's own testimony, which is difficult not to believe. They tell, for example, with my own eyes have seen the dead man, sent a funeral service, the coffin lid shut and threw into the grave earth. And after a few days or weeks, suddenly encountered a "former corpse" with a frozen look, and the lack of facial expression. Deranged, but not dead. "In Port-au-Prince, even among educated people, many of those who believe, at least partly these ominous stories" - writes Alfred Subway, author of "Voodoo in Haiti", who studied the phenomenon of zombies.
British anthropologist Francis Huxley tells the story of a zombie, which he told Catholic bishop of the "living dead", which is hanging around on their own village and was eventually taken to the police station. But the police were too scared and not knowing what to do, just put it back on the street.
For a while after that zombie again returned to the police station. Then someone remembered that the "walking dead" can be partially derived from the trance, giving him the salt. Courage, police zombie drink salt water, and a miracle happened: he mumbled his name. Then he heard his aunt, according to which the man died four years ago.
They called the priest, and opened a zombie name Bokor, obliging him and a few zombies to work for themselves. Finally, the frightened police have not found anything better to do than to send a letter demanding witch pick up a zombie. But after two days of miserable dead for real. Do not rule out that because of the revelations made by him to kill himself a sorcerer. Togo Bokor arrested but soon released to freedom, because other zombies in his house could not be found, and evidence of proof of the deceased lunatic could not serve.
Ta is an American writer Zora Hurston was one of the first who could most see and photograph the "living dead". In particular, she rented a zombie Felicia Felix-Mentor, who died from a sudden illness in 1907. And in 1936 they found her: she roamed naked brother near the farm. Both husband and brother knew it was the same, whom they buried almost thirty years ago.
Felicia was in terrible condition, and sent her to the hospital. There's a woman-zombie saw writer Hurston. "It was a terrible sight - she recalled. - White face with dead eyes ... The eyelids were completely white, as if burned with acid. What could I tell her and get an answer if she did not realize anything? It remained only to look at it. But for a long time to make a spectacle no one could. "
Sorcerers, steal souls
13-year-old voodoo priestess confessed to killing 50 people
13-year-old Nigerian schoolgirl Dzhummay Hassan was arrested last week on suspicion of murdering two-year boy. Despite her young age, the killer faces life imprisonment or death penalty, reports with reference to AFP.
During the investigation, she confessed, that is the secret sect, a religion of voodoo practitioner and murder with the subsequent sale of the victims for witchcraft rituals.The girl said that in the past from the time of initiation of the seven years she has been involved in ritual killings over 50 people, including his own father.She agreed to provide the burial places of their victims, and in addition, reported that the priests of the local church were her constant "customer" - she was selling them bodies of the victims, including the eyes and heart.The killer also pointed to his accomplice. Having searched his home, police found a lot of supplies used in the rituals of voodoo.The fact that in some parts of Nigeria is still widespread belief that the bodies of the sacrificed voodoo magic act and have a can cure many diseases.
Most Haitians believe that turning people into "walking dead" sorcerers, Bokor, who steal their souls.
As they see it, the theft is accomplished as follows. Once it gets dark, horse saddles sorcerer and travels to the home of the victim. There, pressed his lips to the crack in the door, Bokor, "sucks the soul" and "puts it" in a tightly stoppered bottle. Shortly thereafter, the victim becomes ill and dies, because to live without a soul man can not.
After his burial at midnight Bokor with his aides digs a grave, and utters the name of the victim. In response, tries to lift his head died, as a sorcerer has his soul. Once he does, Bokor for a split second brings a bottle of the captive soul to the nose of the corpse and just opens it. After that, the dead man revived. To be hauled up from the grave, associate, and full recovery byutpo head of the same bottle. Then carefully dig the grave, that no one could know what had happened.
Bokor then holds the victim by her home, saying the spell. After this procedure, it will never be able to find their house and will not try to go back. Assign the newly created zombies in the house Bokor, where the yield to drink magic brew of poisonous plants.
Have Bokor and other ways to steal the human soul. Under the pillow of the dying man can put a vessel with magical items and herbs that draw his soul. Bokor is prepared from the cemetery land and the bones of the dead special powder is dispersed and began to speak it before the door of the intended victim. It causes paralysis, leaving the doomed ability to resist.
Bokor-led wizards secret societies worship the devil, and their ritual ceremonies performed in cemeteries. Usually, they turn into zombies do not please them, people out of revenge. But it often happens that when there is a suitable victim, of her doing zombies to use as labor. Much less people become zombies, because sorcerers enter into a contract with diabolical forces that are in payment for services takes the souls of men. By the way, if Christians believe in the devil sell his own soul, then the adherents of voodoo in the course of another version: some people in exchange for power and wealth are selling the souls of others.
To Bokor could not get the corpse and turn it into a zombie, used different methods.Wealthy families concreted grave. Many people bury their loved ones in your own garden or on the roadside with heavy traffic. As for the "production" is only good zombie fresh corpse, family members can set up the grave duty for as long as the body begins to decompose. Sometimes the dead man kill again, piercing his head with an iron bar by introducing a poison or a noose tightening on his throat.Sometimes they bury the knife in the hands of the dead could be protected from himself came over him a wizard. Often the body in the grave lay face down in the ground and sewed rotnabivayut lip to the dead man was not able to respond when Bokor call his name.
"With the help of black magic you can create a semblance of" life "of the dead body, - the expert in black magic, Montague Summers, - it will move and speak. But, by the admission of Bokor, to impose a curse for a long time, without periodic repetition, only a few of the forces, the most sophisticated wizards, plunging deep into the depths of hell. "
According to some researchers, a more plausible explanation is that the so-called zombie is not dead, but just mentally disabled people, which specifically seek out and use the Bokor.
But how then to be witnesses who swear that they saw the bodies of the dead zombies? And not all of the zombies were originally idiots. Some relatives and friends will remember them healthy, intelligent people, and later appeared in the form of their own poor resemblance.
A possible explanation can be found in the old Criminal Code of Haiti. "It is also an attack - it says - is the use of substances by means of which the subject is immersed in a long lethargic sleep, regardless of intended use of these funds ... If a person is buried in a state of the lethargy, the attempt is premeditated murder. "
"Powder Zombie"
Doctors interviewed by Zora Hurston, quite admit that a zombie - a person recognized by the dead and was buried in a trance, which is then extracted from the Bokor grave. "We have long theorized that explain the appearance of zombies - writes Hurston. - It's certainly not the resurrection of the dead. Most likely, those people were plunged into a state very close to death with the help of some drugs.The method of their manufacture was probably exported from Africa and passed from generation to generation among the sorcerers. They, obviously, destroy that part of the brain that controls will, speech and mind. Victims can move and carry out orders, but can not articulate his thoughts. Two doctors who were trying to solve the mystery of these funds, and failed to find a way to make them. "This is - a mystery - told them - and devoted to rather die than reveal it."
And yet there was a man who managed to penetrate the mystery of "zombie powder". They became American Ethnobiology UeydDevis, which attracted to his project "Zombie" talented chemists, doctors, anthropologists, historians, theologians and even art. Ethnobiology - a new scientific discipline, including pharmacology, biology, botany and anthropology.
Davis commenced the study was conducted according to the standard scientific scheme: description of the problem, developing hypotheses, identifying conflicts, data validation and assessment, and if necessary return to the starting point. His work was unique because as a paid expert, he invited ... themselves witches, Bokor, which were many hours of leisurely conversation. Communication with them was supplemented by surveys of ordinary mass Haitians.
Step by step, Davis and his team gradually learned the whole process of zombification, vniknuv in every part of the background of a secret ritual and all of the methods and means.
The result confirmed the hypothesis that there is no resurrection of zombie corpses.First, using a "witch powder" people enter into a special state - it can be called a trance, or coma, when all life processes are so weak that even the most experienced physician can not distinguish the victim from the usual zombie corpse.Then not later than twelve hours after the funeral of a candidate into a zombie is removed from the tomb and return to life. In hot climates, the dead are buried quickly, so that Bokor can be sure that the body will be in the ground where the action of the drug is over, and it lasts for days. This drug in combination with oxygen starvation permanently incapacitates the most important centers of the brain, making people into zombies.
Davis literally bit by bit was able to collect information on the composition and "zombie powder", which you can pour into any drink, put on a needle or a sharp stick and stab them to sacrifice. And these do not themselves Bokor, and members of secret societies headed voodoo.
One of the main components of the mysterious powder puffer fish is containing tetrodotoxin. It is dried in the sun for several days and then ground into powder, which is by no means impossible to breathe, to not get poisoned. For the second component of the powder using a toad bufo Marinus Haitian. She previously held the night in the bank along with marine worm that bites a toad. As a result of cancer karatoidnye bufo Marinus produce a large number of chemical substances - bufotein, bufo-geniuses and bufotoksin. On the morning of the toad and the worm is killed, dried in the sun and also ground to powder.
Other components include drugs gall bladders of dead bodies or human mule, native plants, human remains, preferably fresh. Especially prized skin and bones of the child. Finally, in "zombie powder" includes black powder, and talc.
Simultaneously with the powder prepared Bokor and antidote.
"The worst thing - it's the eyes. This is not a game of my imagination. They were the eyes of the dead. But not blind, and burning, blurred, unseeing. Therefore, a person was terrible. So empty, as though for him there is nothing.
By this time I had seen in Haiti are so many things that lie beyond ordinary human understanding that for a moment completely shut down and thought, or rather felt, "Great God, what if all this horror - the truth ..."
William Seabrook, describes in his book "The Mysterious Island," his meeting with the creation of the most sinister of all the mysterious creatures generated by the supernatural world - Haitian zombies.
The walking dead
Collage Al. Zakharov, aferizm.ruThe fate of zombies worse than vampires or werewolves. Vampires are all the same be returned to those whom they love. Werewolf can be hurt, and it will take human form. But zombies - this machine without reason, doomed to live in a dream. He is able to move, eat, listen, even to speak, but can not remember his past and does not realize this. Without a glimmer of recognition zombies can look into the eyes of those he loved, or to pass by his home. Not a ghost, but not a living being, he, in fact, a walking corpse, placed, perhaps forever, in the border zone between life and death.
With the magic of their bodies give the appearance of life and deprive the soul and mind, in fact, doomed to death. They - a product of Bokor, Haitian sorcerers who profess the religion of voodoo, a unique blend of African beliefs, Roman Catholics and some American Indian tribes.
Birthplace of the phenomenon - Haiti. At the island there are many eyewitness who knew people who died were buried, and some time later reappeared, becoming a zombie. Warlocks-Bokor usually pass their rent, often to work the fields, at least keep to yourself as slaves.
One of the most famous cases, described by American writer Zora Hurston in 1938, still remembered in Haiti. In 1909, there died a charming young girl named Maria.Five years after her death, former high school friends suddenly saw Mary evushku amplitudes in the window of a house the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince. His owner refused to give it any explanation. Father of dead girl he took up the investigation.But it was too late in that house there was not Mary, nor of its owner.
Crawled through the city sinister rumors. To stop them and to reassure residents that the authorities had exhumed the corpse of the deceased. In the tomb discovered skeleton, too big for a girl her age. He was obryazhen in clothes in which they buried Maria, and they clearly do not correspond to the length of the skeleton.Why is that? And where a man suddenly disappeared, the former owner of the house, the window of which have seen long ago buried the girl? The answers to these questions could not be obtained.
Relatives and friends of people turned into zombies, often do not know what happened. And if they even know about the tricks Bokor, they are too intimidated to try to do something. In addition, if a person has been turned into a zombie, nobody can help.
Zora Hurston same lead story told by her mother, a dead boy. The night after the burial the family was awakened by a loud cry coming from the bedroom. It turned out that my sister died in the street heard the singing and noise, and then heard the voice of his brother. Looking out the window, saw the grim procession home, wandering slowly down the street. At the end of it was buried on the eve of the boy.When he had difficulty moving the feet, caught up with the house, all unmistakably recognized him and heard him weeping. "But the horror inspired by the zombie was so great that even his mother did not dare to go out and try to save his son - wrote Zora Hurston. - Soon after the procession was out of sight. After the nightmare sister boy crazy. "
Dinner with the corpses
No less terrible case leads, in his book, and William Seabrook. A young girl named Camilla was married to a certain Matthew Tusselya. The first wedding anniversary, he called his wife after midnight to celebrate the event. And my husband insisted that she wore her wedding dress. In solemnly retracted and a candlelit room, but the young couple had four silent guests.
Matthew apologized for the guests, promising his wife that after the feast the men cheer and dance with her. Her husband's voice seemed unnaturally stressful Camilla. She looked at the men at the table and watched as her fingers still one of the guests uncomfortable squeeze the glass, from which pours the wine.
A young woman standing at the side seized the candlestick and put it in the center.Only then will the light of candles erupted, she found herself sitting at the table with the corpses.
In a panic, rushed upstairs and Camilla was locked in his room. The morning came a servant, but a young woman stubbornly refused to leave. Later she never recovered from the experience a nightmare, and her husband the next day went to Haiti.
Legitimate question arises: how reliable these stories? Especially, given that in all cases, the appearance of zombies is innuendo, though missing some important facts. But Catholic and Protestant clergy to lead Haiti's own testimony, which is difficult not to believe. They tell, for example, with my own eyes have seen the dead man, sent a funeral service, the coffin lid shut and threw into the grave earth. And after a few days or weeks, suddenly encountered a "former corpse" with a frozen look, and the lack of facial expression. Deranged, but not dead. "In Port-au-Prince, even among educated people, many of those who believe, at least partly these ominous stories" - writes Alfred Subway, author of "Voodoo in Haiti", who studied the phenomenon of zombies.
British anthropologist Francis Huxley tells the story of a zombie, which he told Catholic bishop of the "living dead", which is hanging around on their own village and was eventually taken to the police station. But the police were too scared and not knowing what to do, just put it back on the street.
For a while after that zombie again returned to the police station. Then someone remembered that the "walking dead" can be partially derived from the trance, giving him the salt. Courage, police zombie drink salt water, and a miracle happened: he mumbled his name. Then he heard his aunt, according to which the man died four years ago.
They called the priest, and opened a zombie name Bokor, obliging him and a few zombies to work for themselves. Finally, the frightened police have not found anything better to do than to send a letter demanding witch pick up a zombie. But after two days of miserable dead for real. Do not rule out that because of the revelations made by him to kill himself a sorcerer. Togo Bokor arrested but soon released to freedom, because other zombies in his house could not be found, and evidence of proof of the deceased lunatic could not serve.
Ta is an American writer Zora Hurston was one of the first who could most see and photograph the "living dead". In particular, she rented a zombie Felicia Felix-Mentor, who died from a sudden illness in 1907. And in 1936 they found her: she roamed naked brother near the farm. Both husband and brother knew it was the same, whom they buried almost thirty years ago.
Felicia was in terrible condition, and sent her to the hospital. There's a woman-zombie saw writer Hurston. "It was a terrible sight - she recalled. - White face with dead eyes ... The eyelids were completely white, as if burned with acid. What could I tell her and get an answer if she did not realize anything? It remained only to look at it. But for a long time to make a spectacle no one could. "
Sorcerers, steal souls
13-year-old voodoo priestess confessed to killing 50 people
13-year-old Nigerian schoolgirl Dzhummay Hassan was arrested last week on suspicion of murdering two-year boy. Despite her young age, the killer faces life imprisonment or death penalty, reports with reference to AFP.
During the investigation, she confessed, that is the secret sect, a religion of voodoo practitioner and murder with the subsequent sale of the victims for witchcraft rituals.The girl said that in the past from the time of initiation of the seven years she has been involved in ritual killings over 50 people, including his own father.She agreed to provide the burial places of their victims, and in addition, reported that the priests of the local church were her constant "customer" - she was selling them bodies of the victims, including the eyes and heart.The killer also pointed to his accomplice. Having searched his home, police found a lot of supplies used in the rituals of voodoo.The fact that in some parts of Nigeria is still widespread belief that the bodies of the sacrificed voodoo magic act and have a can cure many diseases.
Most Haitians believe that turning people into "walking dead" sorcerers, Bokor, who steal their souls.
As they see it, the theft is accomplished as follows. Once it gets dark, horse saddles sorcerer and travels to the home of the victim. There, pressed his lips to the crack in the door, Bokor, "sucks the soul" and "puts it" in a tightly stoppered bottle. Shortly thereafter, the victim becomes ill and dies, because to live without a soul man can not.
After his burial at midnight Bokor with his aides digs a grave, and utters the name of the victim. In response, tries to lift his head died, as a sorcerer has his soul. Once he does, Bokor for a split second brings a bottle of the captive soul to the nose of the corpse and just opens it. After that, the dead man revived. To be hauled up from the grave, associate, and full recovery byutpo head of the same bottle. Then carefully dig the grave, that no one could know what had happened.
Bokor then holds the victim by her home, saying the spell. After this procedure, it will never be able to find their house and will not try to go back. Assign the newly created zombies in the house Bokor, where the yield to drink magic brew of poisonous plants.
Have Bokor and other ways to steal the human soul. Under the pillow of the dying man can put a vessel with magical items and herbs that draw his soul. Bokor is prepared from the cemetery land and the bones of the dead special powder is dispersed and began to speak it before the door of the intended victim. It causes paralysis, leaving the doomed ability to resist.
Bokor-led wizards secret societies worship the devil, and their ritual ceremonies performed in cemeteries. Usually, they turn into zombies do not please them, people out of revenge. But it often happens that when there is a suitable victim, of her doing zombies to use as labor. Much less people become zombies, because sorcerers enter into a contract with diabolical forces that are in payment for services takes the souls of men. By the way, if Christians believe in the devil sell his own soul, then the adherents of voodoo in the course of another version: some people in exchange for power and wealth are selling the souls of others.
To Bokor could not get the corpse and turn it into a zombie, used different methods.Wealthy families concreted grave. Many people bury their loved ones in your own garden or on the roadside with heavy traffic. As for the "production" is only good zombie fresh corpse, family members can set up the grave duty for as long as the body begins to decompose. Sometimes the dead man kill again, piercing his head with an iron bar by introducing a poison or a noose tightening on his throat.Sometimes they bury the knife in the hands of the dead could be protected from himself came over him a wizard. Often the body in the grave lay face down in the ground and sewed rotnabivayut lip to the dead man was not able to respond when Bokor call his name.
"With the help of black magic you can create a semblance of" life "of the dead body, - the expert in black magic, Montague Summers, - it will move and speak. But, by the admission of Bokor, to impose a curse for a long time, without periodic repetition, only a few of the forces, the most sophisticated wizards, plunging deep into the depths of hell. "
According to some researchers, a more plausible explanation is that the so-called zombie is not dead, but just mentally disabled people, which specifically seek out and use the Bokor.
But how then to be witnesses who swear that they saw the bodies of the dead zombies? And not all of the zombies were originally idiots. Some relatives and friends will remember them healthy, intelligent people, and later appeared in the form of their own poor resemblance.
A possible explanation can be found in the old Criminal Code of Haiti. "It is also an attack - it says - is the use of substances by means of which the subject is immersed in a long lethargic sleep, regardless of intended use of these funds ... If a person is buried in a state of the lethargy, the attempt is premeditated murder. "
"Powder Zombie"
Doctors interviewed by Zora Hurston, quite admit that a zombie - a person recognized by the dead and was buried in a trance, which is then extracted from the Bokor grave. "We have long theorized that explain the appearance of zombies - writes Hurston. - It's certainly not the resurrection of the dead. Most likely, those people were plunged into a state very close to death with the help of some drugs.The method of their manufacture was probably exported from Africa and passed from generation to generation among the sorcerers. They, obviously, destroy that part of the brain that controls will, speech and mind. Victims can move and carry out orders, but can not articulate his thoughts. Two doctors who were trying to solve the mystery of these funds, and failed to find a way to make them. "This is - a mystery - told them - and devoted to rather die than reveal it."
And yet there was a man who managed to penetrate the mystery of "zombie powder". They became American Ethnobiology UeydDevis, which attracted to his project "Zombie" talented chemists, doctors, anthropologists, historians, theologians and even art. Ethnobiology - a new scientific discipline, including pharmacology, biology, botany and anthropology.
Davis commenced the study was conducted according to the standard scientific scheme: description of the problem, developing hypotheses, identifying conflicts, data validation and assessment, and if necessary return to the starting point. His work was unique because as a paid expert, he invited ... themselves witches, Bokor, which were many hours of leisurely conversation. Communication with them was supplemented by surveys of ordinary mass Haitians.
Step by step, Davis and his team gradually learned the whole process of zombification, vniknuv in every part of the background of a secret ritual and all of the methods and means.
The result confirmed the hypothesis that there is no resurrection of zombie corpses.First, using a "witch powder" people enter into a special state - it can be called a trance, or coma, when all life processes are so weak that even the most experienced physician can not distinguish the victim from the usual zombie corpse.Then not later than twelve hours after the funeral of a candidate into a zombie is removed from the tomb and return to life. In hot climates, the dead are buried quickly, so that Bokor can be sure that the body will be in the ground where the action of the drug is over, and it lasts for days. This drug in combination with oxygen starvation permanently incapacitates the most important centers of the brain, making people into zombies.
Davis literally bit by bit was able to collect information on the composition and "zombie powder", which you can pour into any drink, put on a needle or a sharp stick and stab them to sacrifice. And these do not themselves Bokor, and members of secret societies headed voodoo.
One of the main components of the mysterious powder puffer fish is containing tetrodotoxin. It is dried in the sun for several days and then ground into powder, which is by no means impossible to breathe, to not get poisoned. For the second component of the powder using a toad bufo Marinus Haitian. She previously held the night in the bank along with marine worm that bites a toad. As a result of cancer karatoidnye bufo Marinus produce a large number of chemical substances - bufotein, bufo-geniuses and bufotoksin. On the morning of the toad and the worm is killed, dried in the sun and also ground to powder.
Other components include drugs gall bladders of dead bodies or human mule, native plants, human remains, preferably fresh. Especially prized skin and bones of the child. Finally, in "zombie powder" includes black powder, and talc.
Simultaneously with the powder prepared Bokor and antidote.
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