понедельник, 26 декабря 2011 г.

Love. Revenge. Voodoo.

Love. Revenge. Voodoo.Voodoo - Arcane Negro slaves exported from Africa to America - has now spread throughout the world. This is the only pagan cult, who managed to survive with the advent of civilization. Love magic of voodoo is considered one of the most powerful.But vuduisty more likely to use it for another. For revenge. Because revenge departed lover is sometimes sweeter than return it.

• This is one of the biggest myths of voodoo. Some believe that voodoo sorcerer with special powders and spells can kill a man, and then raise it to work. Man, they say, with the losing speech and memory and is converted into a kind of a dumb animal, capable only to work.• Strictly speaking, the zombification - this is not a myth but a reality. To make a man out of zombies, witches, African use of various components of plants and animals.The main component of the powder is a poison tetradotoksin contained in the meat of many fish, including fish and fugu (a similar form is found off the west coast of Africa).• In Japan, fugu fish - this is a dangerous delicacy, and the problem of cooks, cooking it - reduce the number of tetradotoksina in meat. Small amounts of this poison causes a narcotic effect (actually, for this and eat fugu). If the dose is exceeded, the person has a tingling sensation in hands and feet, then his eyes and begins stekleneyut complete paralysis.• In comatose person can be poisoned for a long time, African practices of its "enliven" with special plants "zombie cucumber", which returns the man to move, but not speak.• It is noteworthy that the owners of zombie categorically forbid their slaves to eat salt. The fact that tetradotoksin blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, preventing sodium ions into the cells of the body. Salt is - sodium chloride - "unlocks" the mechanism, and to return to the zombie, speech and memory.COSMOPOLITAN, April 2001
I never would be interested in this kind of occult, if not a story that took place a long time ago in a pioneer camp. Our squad leader was, who shared the children's "friends" and "them." Those who suck up to her, she walked into a pet, have always been committed to a disco and even walks to a nearby village. Others, who did not want to call it Lenusikom, not hanging on her elbows on both sides and tender when you try to dodge vozhatskih hugs - scrubbed floors, washed the toilets and under any pretext, deprived of their right to a disco and swimming. Finally after a shrill statements "Third House today does not go to a disco!" nelyubimchikam all tired of it.
"Come," - said to me, black-eyed Olga, you did not like the counselor seems to be stronger than all. She led me into the woods on the outskirts of the camp area. After making sure that nobody can see, she took from his pocket a company officer, a group photo, scissors and a box of pins. After that razgrebla moss, pulled out a piece of clay pits and began to sculpt from a man: "I am the clay dug out beforehand." I looked at how to fool Olka. She continued to practice between those in the modeling. "I'm going to enchant Lenka. My father worked in Cuba. He told me how to conjure the Cubans." - "Do you think that will help?" Instead of answering, she pulled out a pin and stick with the force of the beginning of them one after the other doll in the stomach. After a while the impression that the doll is sitting astride a hedgehog. Satisfied with their own hands, put the doll in Olka pit and covered with moss. "It will be a hiding place. Swear that you will not tell anyone." I vowed not particularly believe in the power pins studded clay dolls with the face of our tormentor - well, normal pionerlagerskoe sorcery, the same sort of evocation after lights out and scare stories about the black hand and a little girl in a big black house.
In the evening Olkino witchcraft does not work, and a disco Third Chamber and did not go. At night, Lena leader was taken to the district hospital with appendicitis. I started asking questions Olka, but it's nothing really could not tell, except that is wizardry and voodoo to defeat the enemy with it, we should slap a doll and stick pins in it. I then found a secret from Oli that hole and pulled out all the dolls pins. The next time I heard about voodoo in ten years.
A short course in the history of voodoo

"Voodoo" in the language of the tribe drevneafrikanskom background means "spirit." Communication with the voodoo loa (or as they called them negros from Yoruba, Orisha spirits) was the religion of West African Negroes, brought by the Spaniards in the Caribbean. Spirits of bloody sacrifices, and with drumming, music and ritual dances believers fell into a trance state (it was assumed that the inside man at that time was part of the spirit). It is noteworthy that many of their spirits, so to speak, the nature and acts very similar to the Christian saints and ancient Greek gods. But the Spaniards did not want to know nothing of this and tried to convert their slaves in classical Roman Catholicism. For possession of statues of a spirit of servant could easily lose your life. And then the negros in the Caribbean, especially Haiti, were replaced by altars. But behind the masks of saints, archangels and Madonnas worshiping their old spirits. No slave-owners, nor perfume not denied.And just four years after Haiti's first black slaves were brought against quiescent slave revolt on the island. It was suppressed, but the combined voodoo negros continue to rebel until the end of XVIII century, did not take the island under its control - by the time he half belonged to France, and to suppress the uprising went to Napoleon, but he suffered in Haiti, one of his first defeats. It is noteworthy that from the very beginning and until now it was a secret voodoo cult. Inconspicuous American scavenger may well be a witch voodoo. Following such practices do not disclose it even now.
In the XX century was the capital of voodoo in New Orleans - it has moved there, most descendants of Haitian blacks. The atmosphere of the city is very well described by local jazzmen. They said that all of New Orleans was then the only music, but only love and death. And if a girl wanted to draw into its embrace jazz trumpeter from the local tavern, she simply extracted from the hair of the head of your favorite or anything else like that, doing voodoo doll, stuck in her heart, head and feet pins - and fascinated the trumpeter thought of it aspired to her heart, and legs carried him themselves to the girl. The wife of trumpeter (bude this happened) could take revenge, dazzles in turn voodoo doll symbolizing Razluchnitsa, call the spirit of destruction and poke pins in a doll - it was thought that the girl then had to get sick, die or leave.
Above that you can laugh as much as necessary. Voodoo followers argue that the magic works. And how at one time embraced Russian jazz, just now they have received voodoo. Among the services provided to the population, now including the voodoo magic. To see how all this is happening, I went to Moscow voodoo witch.
Moscow voodoo witch
Based on the foregoing, I expected to meet in voodoo priestesses at least middle-aged black woman. Meanwhile, on the phone replied the young girl's voice, they have no accent, except with a Ukrainian accent. We agreed to meet in three days.Two days later I came down with severe influenza. I called a witch and brought the meeting. A week later, going to the agreed meeting, I could not start the car. Spitting on all of this, she went to her on the subway. At the entrance to the desired station, the train stopped and the electricity passed out in cars. We stood for about ten minutes ...
Witch practiced on the ground floor of the usual five-storey Khrushchev. The door was opened a secretary, she's drunk my coffee, holding about twenty minutes in the kitchen, under the pretext that "the witch is preparing for the visit." And finally, I go in the half-dark, lit only by candles room. In the far corner sits a black-haired girl in a white headscarf and a sepulchral voice said: "What do you want?" It seems that she just forgot about everything. I again explain that the journalist and came to interview her and take pictures of the work process. Kerf, I'm not a customer, she relaxed and offered to demonstrate the process of sculpting dolls, because the spirits of strangers still can not call. Dolls as dolls. I agreed. Witch lit, took a sip of coffee, took a thick candle, lit it and started a newspaper at nakapyvat wax, simultaneously complaining about the customers.
- This comes to you kind of a fool of eighteen, brings four decades of photo bloated businessman against the "Mercedes" and says: "bewitch." I say, "Why?" And she said: "I love him." - "Who? This pot-bellied?" - "Yes, - he says - he has a very nice tum." - "Mercedes" in his cute, but not tum! Who do you want to cheat? You love his money, not him! "The young lady then stood with his mouth open. Her words and something to love her as if to defend, no.
I listened to everything yet it, too, with his mouth open, but not with surprise, but because I was breathing heavily. Severe asthma symptoms were manifested in me a few times in my life, and even then only after I ate the fish (I have an allergy to it). I am painfully reflected that could be sprayed in the air (incense that burned in the room does not count - to them I never had no allergies and no), and finally asked him about the witch.
- A need to smoke less! In general, the damage you have! - She answered.
But cut off my tail energy or desire to cure the damage is not volunteered. However, ten minutes later it went mysteriously by itself. A bunch of wax on the table growing.The atmosphere resembled a ladies room magical gatherings in the kitchen during the molding of ravioli - a witch and kneaded the wax slowly, comfortably talked about how during her rite of passage was placed in a coffin, buried, and then removed again.

Finally, the wax was ready. The witch got somewhere amateur photo nondescript pot-bellied men, pulled his fingers out of it along the contour of a man burned the candle, and the ashes mixed with wax. After that she began to sculpt a little ugly man. To figure supposed to stick a man's sexual dignity. Dignity was so small, that falls off all the time. Cleave it into place once again, the witch said:
- Only it is necessary to tell readers about how to do this, they were not engaged.
- Why?
- It's useless. Need to call the spirits, and they will not see a simple man, but there they are, there everywhere - and shook his head somewhere in the room. From there on I was looking thoughtfully wooden African mask.
- But you still show!
- I'll show you.
And with that witch had put a man with still fastened to the right place to draw a triangle advantage, took a pin with the words "To you, a servant of Sergei, loved only one servant, Natalya," the little man stuck a few pins in the head, the place where it should be heart, in the long-suffering and dignity in the legs.
- All.
- And you can tell fortunes?
- But why? The future anyway. The future you yourself do it myself!
We drank coffee, finished his cigarette, and I went on the air, in frosty night to Moscow - to make themselves their own future.
Tatiana Hotenko, COSMOPOLITAN, April 2001
Shaman voodoo curse on Sarkozy and returned from the world of Fidel Castro
Svetlana Kuzin - 28/07/2011
Magic voodoo religion has become fashionable hobby in the world, including in Russia. The number of fans of this ancient African religion has tens of millions
Heart of the Devil
One sound of the word "voodoo" Many of us fear is irrational. As we wake up dark memories: istykannaya needle doll, frenzied ritual dances, eating the corpses of zombies. However, all these terrible images mainly inspired by Hollywood films. One picture of the Sabbath with the bloody sacrifice and sexual perversion of the thriller "Angel Heart" with Mickey Rourke leaves an indelible sense of disgust. And, despite this terrible cult has become increasingly popular in the world. According to the International Institute for the Study of Contemporary sectarianism in the past twenty years, the voodoo religion has acquired nearly 50 million adherents. In Russia, their number increased to 1990 c 15 000 to 50 000. Why are people in the early twenty-first century began to attract black magic? Maybe because we are hard-hearted?Here are some of the most high-profile cases that have occurred with famous people.
The shaman dolls
Scandal involving voodoo, shook France in 2008. Then the company K & B has released dolls of voodoo in two versions: one toy portrayed Sarkozy, the other - his rival for the presidential campaign of Socialist Segolene Royal. Each doll was applied to 12 needles and "tutorial" that explains how to use unusual items. Only after the intervention of advocates creepy toys have been withdrawn from sale.
To influence policy through the mystical teachings and try elsewhere. In 2006, the eve of presidential elections in Mexico, on the shelves of local stores appeared set "impact on the candidate." The set is again included wax figures with those of applicants for the top job, the special magic needles and "anatomic map" indicating the points where it is best to make shots. According to the instructions for a candidate to become more open to the voters need to stick a needle in his left eye shapes. A needle in the heart awakens in politics honesty. Voodoo doll with a picture of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is still possible to buy in Colombia, where he was disliked. In Haiti, many believe that John Kennedy died in Dallas because of the curse of Haitian President Francois Duvalier, who called himself a priest of voodoo.
Follower of the cult believe and Bill Clinton. According to historian Joel Ruth, his election to the presidency in 1992 and reelected in 1996, Clinton was obliged to force the Haitian magic. It is said that he was well paid magician known for voodoo curse on the imposition of his rival, George W. Bush. His own greed explain the subsequent collapse, he did not pay for full service shaman.
Jackson bathed in a bloody bath
Fashion sorcery carried away and show business stars.
According to the memoirs of Jack Gordon, the former husband's sister La Toya Jackson, the legendary singer once tried using magic voodoo to kill Steven Spielberg, for whom he was offended because the director did not give him a role in "Peter Pan." During the ritual, Jackson adopted a "blood bath" - he bathed in the blood bath, which were scored for 42 cows. But say, do not malign - it will come back to you. As a result, Jackson was dead, and his enemies prosper.
Actress Sean Young, according to witnesses, his partner in the film "Doping" James Woods threw a doll with needles punctured on the threshold of the house where he lived with his fiancee Sarah, wanting to destroy their happiness. The matter ended by the court.
Another American pop diva, Cher, in an interview, admitted that she sometimes resorts to a special ritual voodoo to improve rankings. "To do this, the language of the gifted Cenarius wrapped in cloth hung on the tallest tree in the area and read a spell" - shared experiences actress.
The list of celebrities, paparazzi caught in shamanic rituals included Naomi Campbell, Britney Spears, Eminem, Paris Hilton, Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez, Penelope Cruz, Nicole Kidman, Demi Moore, Cameron Diaz. And in the state, even in Hollywood is listed under the name of the voodoo witch doctor Serpent. Actors, who turn to him to gain fame, he recommends a contract with the devil himself.
Kirkorov bewitched
Sinister rituals of African slaves reached and Russia. Seers of the "Battle of psychics" have to be fed. The Russians also wanted something exotic. In newspaper and Internet ads under the heading "Spiritual" increasingly began to come promises to "remove the damage, get rid of the disease, voodoo ritual to bewitch." However, implementing shaman rituals, as a rule, the same become familiar with psychics Russian and Ukrainian surnames, but the last "courses vuduizma" or received "initiation" of overseas colleagues. Rarely visiting or specially brought to the "tour" our own healers shamans of Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Havana.
Domestic show business in voodoo rituals were not yet seen. However, the subtleties of the sinister rites acquire more fans and envious of celebrities. Thus, in a stellar coterie rumors that Kirkorov manages sorcerer voodoo. A customer has a certain "face of the singer's entourage, wishing him ill." That is why, informed sources suggest, the singer had fallen so much adversity.
Singer Dima Bilan Concert in Voronezh, nearly broke down owing to the fact that the girl-fan handed him a ritual doll, similar to Dima, with an ominous threat - to take a "gift", or his "life turns into hell."

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