понедельник, 26 декабря 2011 г.

I am creative person and with tons of p and w

I - Personality. What's next? Where is the person who makes history and followed by the people?

We heard a lot about a person. Various sermons, teachings, retreats teach us to become great personalities in this world. Indeed, in this world, it all starts with the individual: any structure, events, holidays, traditions, and even our Earth, and people living on it were created by the Great Person - God. Personality refers to a path direction. Only a person can work. Personality well aware of their goals and objectives. They are not only able to implement them, but they light the others.People do not follow the structure, they follow the personalities! In any individual there is a clear system of values, and all its actions are based only on the system.
But to become a great man is not enough to simply be a person!Personalities are different too. There are different stages of personality development. Personality on the stage of its formation (or simply the person a great personality).
For me has always been an example of a great man the founder and long-term leader Apple and Pixar - Steve Jobs. Unfortunately, this person has recently died of cancer. And what about him posted on the official site of Apple, confirms the importance of this man as a company, and in the lives of those around him.
"Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius. The world has lost a great man. And those of us who were fortunate enough to know Steve personally and work with him have lost a dear friend and mentor. Steve is survived by his company, which could only create it, and his spirit will always be the main basis for Apple ».
What and who do write about us? Yes, we already have a certain result, but in comparison with the man who turned the world, made the breakthrough information - this is nothing!
I am a specialist IT projects on education and the sphere of its activity, I can say that this technique is not unique. But after the death of Steve, the company's shares fell more than 5%, although the company did not happen. Jobs at the moment not even held a management position. If you follow the life and achievements of Steve Jobs, you will realize that for him there was no difference who he is now! For it was important only in the result. He raised three companies (NexT, Pixar, Apple) with a complete zero. This man lived a life of sex, knowing that he has a deadly disease and do not lose the meaning of life.
The second example is Pastor Sunday Adelaja.Of course, a great personality, a reformer, who every day contribute to the world.This has the effect of international format. This great personality, which puts itself in the people and constantly draws new knowledge in order to remain relevant to the world.
Pastor Sunday has devoted his life to God and attained great results, but I think that if he engaged in any other sphere of activity (science, business or politics), then it would have been the result of not worse. Pastor people living purposes, it does not begin to approach the problem, but with her decision. This gives him an opportunity not to live the problems and not think at all about them.
I am grateful to Pastor Sunday for his ministry work, dedication, because I see the result of his activities in his life and the life around me.
Much can be said about great men, both modern humans and stories, but here are the basic principles that I have learned from their lives for themselves:
Systematic self-education. Invest in a knowledge to be fully developed, to spend on a huge amount of time. Self - the most serious investment in the future.Myself a goal: to turn this world and make the discovery of the century (for example iPad `a, only in their field). Being a fan of this goal. Not all politicians and pastors remembers the world, but all the people who managed to turn this world.The modern system of education of their people. This system should raise real effective followers.You must use only the newest and latest technology in everything we do. You need to know everything that is happening in the world, to be relevant in the discussion of any topic.Living purposes, not problems. Look at all the top down, as God looks at it.Put yourself in people. People - this is the biggest value of God, and it must be worth my number 1, because God is outside the value system around it number 1. We must raise the people at your level at least. Raise and nurture a team of the new format.

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